Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Post of Enlightening Introduction

Loosen your drawstrings and take a load off for the introduction of the introduction. I am the Old Bag, here to give you a decent explanation of the goings-on of this place. Laugh at me if you must, but I have carried many a load in my days, and have heard many an unsung story. And without further ado, the introduction.

When tales are told by the heroes, much is overstated--ask any bag of holding you come across, and you will be assured this is sheer, unblemished, unsoiled truth. Like a fisherman boasting a catch which progressively grows more impressive, adventurers have this way about them which shines the facts up and leaves a polished, gleaming result that sugars over the reality of the events--long plodding is severely reduced, fights become even more glamorous, members of the group gain vast expanses of intelligence, and insects evaporate into nothingness.

Any bag of holding of moderate character will swear by its bottom threads that these gilded tales are not as wondrous as they seem to be. From their unnoticed perspective, they can take in the natural flow of events--pure fact, unclouded in the boastful recollections of those vying for a spot of glorious worship. They endure whatever their owners wish to stuff them full of, and live with the knowledge of all that is done.

And thus, tales straight from the openings of ordinary bags of holding are able to show a fascinating, fresh, new perspective on the actions and events of a typical adventuring party. Members are portrayed in the raw, their actions told as experienced by the bags, who do not discriminate but merely relate the truth of events, incidents, and ingenuity.

Truly, then, these bags of holding are scuffed-up gems lurking, waiting, amassing stories that must be free. And here, I, the Old Bag, have collected a few of these tales in a place where I might show them to you, that you might receive a new understanding of our lot in life, and might appreciate recollections unfettered by flattering auras of golden glory, speckled all around with the guts of foes.


-The Old Bag